Combined Thermal-Hydro Power Generation: A Novel Approach of Plant Capacity Addition



This paper proposes a hydro-power plant which is coupled with cooling water system of 500MWe coal-fired thermal power plant to quantify the additional electric power and mitigate CO2 emission. About 16.77m3/s of cooling water gravitationally flow from cooling tower basin  to CW basin with 1.5 meter gross head difference for recycling it  into condenser and auxiliary cooling water system in a 500MWe coal-fired thermal power plant. Maximum 195kWe hydro-power can be generated through installing a Kaplan turbine for plant capacity addition. Effect of gross head and flow rate variations are studied individually and result shows that power generation increases with head and flow. Hourly about 106.13 kg of coal and 47.94 kg of CO2 emission can be reduced to generate 500MWe combined thermal-hydro electric power. Generation cost and payback period of hydro power are about 71.62 paisa/unit and 2.04 years respectively. 


CW & ACW system; Economics ; Hydro-power; Kaplan turbine; Thermal power.

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Online ISSN: 1309-0127

Publisher: Gazi University

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